Tag future

ProperLilian Blog what is advertising

What is Advertising?

What does advertising practically do? It enhances your communication, and it brings your products and services before consumer eyes. It does not make anything better; it just creates the opportunity for a client to pick you and your products If…

ProperLilian Entrepreneur Starting the Day

About Growth

The growth of a successful business has very little to do with how profitable it is at any given time. Sure, eventually everybody wants to make more money in their business, and making money is the result of being successful but that is not why we do what we do.
ProperLilian Blog Time

Timeless time

Time: There is no way to stop it, manipulate it, or escape from it. The only thing we can do is make the most of it. Early in your life you probably didn’t think about time in the sense you will do later. So, Gen Z is spending time in everything and anything and that is ok.
ProperLilian ChatGPT AI Technology

Is AI a threat or an opportunity?

We can understand that currently, AI tools can help Real Estate Professionals save time and effort. No harm in that right? But what will happen in the future? Is AI going to take over and replace humans in Real Estate?